Rwandan Protestant Theology after the Genocide
During the twenty years since the Rwandan genocide a number of younger Rwandan theologians have reflected on the terible events that ravaged their country in 1994. They have presented PhD theses at different universities in Africa and Europe. Four of these deal explicitly with the 1994 genocide. The basic main question of this review article is how these theologians are looking to reconstruct the broken Rwandan society. This analysis reveals that, while exploring a variety of subjects, each of these theologians is looking for a way in which reconciliation may be achieved in Rwandese society, torn apart by the consequences of the genocide. This articles indicates the main issues put forward by these scholars and highlights what they have in common and to what extent they differ.
Het artikel is gebaseerd op de tekst van de voordracht die ik op 25 februari 2014 hield voor studenten van Oxford Centre for Mission Studies.
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'New Christian Churches as Challenge for Theology in Africa'.
Presentation at the Colloquium on May 3-5, 2010, organised by the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Butare, Rwanda.
Voordracht gehouden te Butare op het Colloquium voor leidinggevenden aan instellingen voor hoger theologisch onderwijs in Oost-Afrika onder het thema The Relevance of a Western Model of Theological Education in Today Arican Society. Het colloquium, 3-5 mei 2010, was georganiseerd door de Faculteit voor Protestantse Theologie te Butare (FTPB), thans onderdeel van het Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS).
Voor de volledige tekst, klik hier.
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‘Maakwerk of spontane expressie van geloof? Over contextuele theologie in Afrika’.
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In: Maurice Cheza, Monique Costermans et Jean Pirotte (dir.), Oecuménisme et pratiques missionnaires. Série: Mémoire d'Eglises. Paris: Karthala, 309-316.
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